Making the world more sustainable

Vetyalfa Oy promotes Europe towards a green hydrogen economy. The company enhances regional vitality by licensing production facilities for refined products, such as e-methanol, e-methane (also called electric fuels), and ammonia alongside hydrogen plants.

We are involved throughout the entire life cycle of project development and enable financial success for both landowners and municipalities.

We are involved throughout the entire life cycle of project development

Our projects strengthen the security of supply and assist the establishment of industries supporting sustainable development in Finland. Industries need hydrogen, for example, to produce green steel and to process fuels. Hydrogen is an ideal fuel for climate as its burning produces only water vapor, in addition to energy.


Suomen energian kulutuksesta





600 000

Omakotitalon energian tarpeet

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Making the world more sustainable with a positive mindset

In its projects Vetyalfa has the opportunity to utilize its parent company Tuulialfa’s extensive portfolio, mainly based on wind farms (6000 MW), as a source of green renewable energy.  Together, Tuulialfa and Vetyalfa have built a unique value chain on the market, i.e. producing sufficient renewable energy for industrial-scale hydrogen projects and their further processing. The projects are environmentally sustainable, reducing CO₂ emissions and enabling the transition from fossil fuels to various sustainable solutions such as e-methanol, e-methane, or e-ammonia.

For the projects of Vetyalfa, we have the opportunity to utilize its parent company Tuulialfa’s extensive portfolio, mainly based on wind farms (6000 MW), as a source of green renewable energy. Together, Tuulialfa and Vetyalfa have built a unique value chain on the market, i.e. producing sufficient renewable energy for industrial-scale hydrogen projects and their further processing. The projects are environmentally sustainable, reducing CO₂ emissions and enabling the transition from fossil fuels to various sustainable solutions such as e-methanol, e-methane, or e-ammonia.

Maailma kestävämmäksi hyvällä mielellä

Vetyalfan hankkeissa on mahdollisuus hyödyntää Tuulialfan mittavaa, pääosin tuulivoimapuistoihin perustuvaa portfoliota (6000 MW) vihreän uusiutuvan energian lähteenä. Yhdessä Tuulialfa ja Vetyalfa ovat rakentaneet markkinoille  ainutlaatuisen arvonluontiketjun eli riittävän uusiutuvan energian tuottamisen teollisen mittakaavan vetyhankkeille ja niiden jatkojalostamiselle Hankkeet ovat ympäristön kannalta kestäviä vähentäen hiilidioksidipäästöjä ja mahdollistavat siirtymän fossiilisista polttoaineista erilaisiin kestäviin ratkaisuihin kuten e-metanoliin, e-metaaniin tai e-ammoniakkiin.

Green hydrogen

Green hydrogen has already played a key role in several international agreements, such as the Paris Climate Agreement (2015) and the European Commission’s Green Deal (2019). In February 2023, the Finnish Government approved a decision that Finland aims to achieve at least a 10% production share of all green hydrogen in the EU by 2030. Vetyalfa’s development of hydrogen production and refinement will support Finland’s efforts to reach the EU’s targets for green hydrogen. Finland is estimated to be one of the most competitive countries in Europe in the production of green hydrogen due to low production costs and sustainably sourced raw materials, including water and renewable energy. Vetyalfa aims to commercialize the projects as early as 2028.

Landowners have an opportunity for significant additional income

Our operating model for renewable energy project development is based on close cooperation with landowners and municipalities. Our project development model pays attention to the special wishes of the landowner and takes into account local particularities as well as municipal decision-making. Once a suitable project area is found, landowners have a good opportunity to obtain significant additional income alongside the current use of their area while maintaining ownership of the land. Through cooperation between the landowner and Vetyalfa, we can quickly and effortlessly determine the suitability of the landowner’s land for renewable energy production.


Vetyalfa suunnittelee vihreän vedyn jalostamohanketta Utajärvelle Vetyalfa on käynnistänyt Utajärvellä Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla merkittävän vihreän vedyn jalostamohankkeen. Hanke voisi johtaa maksimissaan 150 000 tonnia vuodessa vetyä sekä lisäksi erilaisia synteettisiä polttoaineita valmistavaan jalostamoon. Tehtaan elektrolysaattorin kapasiteetti olisi maksimissaan 1000 MW, suppeammassa vaihtoehdossa viidesosa tästä. Utajärven kunnanhallitus hyväksyi hanketta koskevan kumppanuussopimuksen ja maanvuokrasopimuksen 14.1.2025. Jalostamon toiminta perustuisi paikallisiin resursseihin: […]


Vetyalfa is planning a large green hydrogen refinery in Kemijärvi, Lapland. Producing hydrogen and further processed products with renewable electricity would create several hundred jobs in Eastern Lapland. The added value from the final products, which are produced from local wind power, solar power, and water, would remain within the region. The refinery project is […]


The zoning initiative for a green hydrogen refinery submitted by Vetyalfa Oy was unanimously approved at the municipal council on 26 September 2024. The project will be subject to at least a city plan and, if necessary, a component master plan. The project will involve the construction of a hydrogen separation and synthetic downstream processing […]


Vetyalfa Oy is planning to build a green hydrogen refinery in Vaala, Northern Ostrobothnia. The project aims to build a renewable energy-based production plant for hydrogen separation and synthetic refined products with a maximum capacity of about 1000 MW. In addition, there is a plan to build a solar power production area (about 200 MWp) […]


The Finnish renewable energy company Tuulialfa Oy has established a subsidiary Vetyalfa Oy to promote Finland’s goals as a producer of green hydrogen. The companies are collaborating to develop green hydrogen production plants from wind power and solar power. In addition, the companies will permit production plants for further processed products (e-methanol, e-methane, ammonia) and […]